The Battle of Moores Creek Bridge Review Answer Key

1776 battle of the American Revolutionary War

The Battle of Moore'due south Creek Bridge was a small-scale conflict of the American Revolutionary State of war fought near Wilmington (present-day Pender County), North Carolina, on February 27, 1776. The victory of the North Carolina Provincial Congress' militia force over British governor Josiah Martin's reinforcements at Moore's Creek marked the decisive turning betoken of the Revolution in Due north Carolina. American independence would exist declared less than five months later.

Loyalist recruitment efforts in the interior of North Carolina began in earnest with news of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and patriots in the province also began organizing Continental Army and militia. When word arrived in Jan 1776 of a planned British Regular army expedition to the surface area, Martin ordered his militia to muster in anticipation of their arrival. Revolutionary militia and Continental units mobilized to preclude the junction, blockading several routes until the poorly armed loyalists were forced to confront them at Moore's Creek Bridge, well-nigh xviii miles (29 km) north of Wilmington.

In a brief early on-morning engagement, a charge across the span by sword-wielding loyalist Scotsmen shouting in Gaelic was met by a barrage of musket fire. Two loyalist leaders were killed, another captured, and the whole forcefulness was scattered. In the following days, many loyalists were arrested, putting a damper on further recruiting efforts. North Carolina was not militarily threatened again until 1780, and memories of the boxing and its aftermath negated efforts by Charles Cornwallis to recruit loyalists in the surface area in 1781.

Groundwork [edit]

British recruiting [edit]

In early on 1775, with political and military tensions rising in the Thirteen Colonies, Due north Carolina's royal governor, Josiah Martin, hoped to combine the recruiting of Scots Gaels in the North Carolina interior with that of sympathetic former Regulators (a group originally opposed to corrupt colonial administration) and disaffected loyalists in the coastal areas to build a large loyalist force to counteract patriot sympathies in the province.[4] His petition to London to recruit an ground forces of 1,000 men had been rejected, but he continued efforts to rally loyalist support.[5]

At about the same time, Allan Maclean of Torloisk, despite having fought for Prince Charles Edward Stuart during the Jacobite rising of 1745, petitioned Male monarch George III for permission to recruit Scottish Loyalists throughout North America. In April, he received royal assent to recruit a regiment to exist known every bit the Regal Highland Emigrants from demobilized veterans of the Highland regiments now living as settlers in British North America.[half-dozen] One battalion was to be recruited in the northern provinces, including New York, Quebec and Nova Scotia, while a 2d battalion was to be raised in Northward Carolina and other southern Colonies, where a large number of Highland soldiers had been given country grants. After receiving his commissions from General Thomas Gage in June, Maclean of Torloisk dispatched Majors Donald MacLeod and Donald MacDonald, two British Army veterans of the June 17 Battle of Bunker Colina, to lead the recruitment drive in the Carolinas. Both recruiting officers were already aware of the clandestine activities of Allan MacDonald, the former Tacksman of Kingsburgh, Skye for Clan MacDonald of Sleat, and the husband of the Jacobite heroine Flora MacDonald. Allan MacDonald, who had emigrated to the Colony just a few years previously, was actively recruiting a Loyalist militia in N Carolina.[7] The arrival of Majors MacLeod and MacDonald at New Bern raised the suspicions of local officials from N Carolina's Committee of Safety, only MacLeod and MacDonald, "represented they were only visiting their friends and relatives." In reality, however, "They were all British officers, on active service."[viii] Although the New Bern Commission dispatched a report to their superiors at Wilmington,[9] both recruiting officers were allowed to proceed without being arrested.[10]

Co-ordinate to historian J.P. MacLean, Major Donald MacDonald was in his 65th twelvemonth and had extensive combat feel as an officer in the British Army. Like MacLean of Torloisk, however, MacDonald had previously fought for Prince Charles Edward Stuart during the Jacobite rising of 1745, during which the Major had, "headed many of his own name. He at present constitute many of these erstwhile companions who readily listened to his persuasions."[xi]

On January iii, 1776, Governor Josiah Martin learned that more than than two,000 redcoats under the command of General Henry Clinton had been dispatched for the southern colonies from Cork, Ireland. Their arrival was expected in mid-Feb.[12] Governor Martin immediately dispatched orders to all recruiting officers, decreeing that they were to be ready to lead their recruits to the coast by Feb 15th. Governor Martin likewise promoted Major Donald MacDonald to supreme commander of all British and Loyalist soldiers in the Colony of N Carolina, with the new rank of Brigadier General.[thirteen]

Governor Martin too dispatched Alexander Maclean to Cross Creek with orders to coordinate activities in that area. Optimistically, Maclean promised Governor Martin to raise and equip v,000 Regulators and 1,000 Gaels. Governor Martin, expecting an easy Loyalist victory, is reported to have said, "This is the moment when this land may be delivered from anarchy."[4] [14]

Proclamations were sent out demanding that, "all the King'due south loyal subjects... repair to the King'due south Royal Standard, at Cross Creek... in society to join the King's Regular army; otherwise, they must look to fall under the melancholy consequences of a alleged rebellion, and expose themselves to the just resentment of an injured, though gracious Sovereign."[15] The latter statement would have been understood by North Carolina Highlanders equally a threat that those who refused military service would be treated to both the land confiscations and the "arbitrary and malicious violence" used in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden, which is nonetheless referred to in the Highlands and Islands as Bliadhna nan Creach ("The Twelvemonth of the Pillaging").[16]

Beginning what would later exist dubbed "The Insurrection of Clan Donald",[17] on February ane, 1776, Brigadier General MacDonald raised the Royal Standard in the Public Square of Cross Creek. Nightly balls were held and all other ways were used to instill the military spirit.[xviii] Behind the scenes, nonetheless, the Loyalist leadership was divided.

In a meeting of Scottish and Regulator leaders at Cantankerous Creek on February 5, the Scots wanted to look until the British troops arrived before mustering, while the Regulators wanted to move immediately. The views of the latter prevailed, especially since they claimed to be able to raise v,000 men, while the Gaels expected to raise only 700-800.[4] When Loyalist forces gathered in Cross Creek on Feb 15, 1776, they numbered virtually 3,500 men.

According to J.P. MacLean, "When the solar day came, the Highlanders were seen coming from well-nigh and from far, from the broad plantations on the river bottoms, and from the rude cabins in the depths of the lonely pine forests, with broadswords at their side, in tartan garments and feather bonnet, and keeping step to the shrill music of the bag-pipage. There came, first of all, Clan MacDonald with Clan MacLeod near at mitt, with lesser numbers of Clan MacKenzie, Association Macrae, Clan MacLean, Clan MacKay, Clan MacLachlan, and yet others - variously estimated at fifteen hundred to iii thousand, including nearly ii hundred others, principally Regulators. However, all who were capable of bearing arms did not respond to the summons, for some would not engage in a crusade where their traditions and affections had no part. Many of them hid in the swamps and in the forests."[nineteen]

According to tradition, every bit the Loyalist Gaels gathered effectually the Purple Standard in the Public Square of Cantankerous Creek, the formerly Jacobite heroine Flora MacDonald, "made to them an address in their ain Gaelic natural language that excited them to the highest pitch of warlike enthusiasm",[twenty] a tradition known among the Highland clans as a, "brosnachadh-catha"[21] or an, "incitement to battle."[22]

Despite Flora MacDonald'south speech, however, the number of Loyalists dwindled chop-chop over the next few days. Many of the Gaels had been promised that they would exist met and escorted by British Army troops and did not favor having to fight all the way to the coast. When they marched from Cantankerous Creek on February xviii, 1776, Brigadier General Donald MacDonald led betwixt 1,400 and one,600 men, predominantly Scottish Gaels.[2] [three] This number was farther reduced over the coming days equally more and more than men deserted the column.[23]

Revolutionary reaction [edit]

Meanwhile, word of the Cross Creek muster reached the Patriots of the North Carolina Provincial Congress just a few days after it happened. The colonies were broadly prosperous on the eve of the American Revolution. Pursuant to resolutions of the Second Continental Congress, the provincial congress had raised the 1st N Carolina Regiment of the Continental Regular army in autumn 1775, and given command to Colonel James Moore. Local committees of safety in Wilmington and New Bern besides had active militia units, led by Alexander Lillington and Richard Caswell respectively. On February 15, the Provincial Congress' militia force began to mobilize.[three]

Moore moves from Wilmington, in the southeast of the state, northwest toward Cross Creek in the south central part of the state. Caswell moves south from New Bern, inland from the middle of the North Carolina coast, toward Corbett's Ferry. MacDonald moves over the Cape Fear River and then southeast toward Corbett's Ferry.

Map depicting preliminary movements:
A: Moore moves from Wilmington to Rockfish Creek
B: MacDonald moves to Corbett's Ferry
C: Caswell moves from New Bern to Corbett's Ferry

Moore led 650 Patriot militiamen out of Wilmington with the objective of preventing the loyalists from reaching the coast. They camped on the southern shore of Rockfish Creek on February 15, about 7 miles (11 km) from the loyalist camp. General MacDonald learned of their arrival, and sent Colonel Moore a copy of a proclamation issued by Governor Martin and a alphabetic character calling on all Patriots to lay down their arms. Colonel Moore responded with his ain call that the loyalists lay down their arms and back up the cause of Congress.[3] In the concurrently, Caswell led 800 New Bern District Brigade militiamen toward the area.[24] The Continentals included 58 English language immigrants who had arrived in Northward Carolina during the 1730s and 1740s and who were fighting for the patriot cause, too as 290 of their sons who had been born and raised in the New World. In addition to this were eleven Welshman and 39 of their American born sons who also fought under Lillington. Smaller numbers of Lowland Scots immigrants, primarily from Selkirkshire, Berwickshire and Roxburghshire were also nowadays on the patriot side. Many of the men who fought under Lillington and Caswell were 3rd generation Carolinians whose grandparents had been English immigrants who came as function of a large migration to the Carolinas from the English regions of Wiltshire, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire as well equally many farmers from the southern portion of Lincolnshire, England, during the early 1700s. By contrast, the Loyalist army facing them consisted exclusively of Gaelic-speaking Tories from the Scottish Highlands and Islands, some of whom endemic large plantations forth the Cape Fear River which was settled by recently arrived members of the Scottish nobility.[25]

Loyalist march [edit]

MacDonald, his preferred route blocked by Moore, chose an alternate route that would eventually bring his force to the Widow Moore's Creek Bridge, about eighteen miles (29 km) from Wilmington. On February 20 he crossed the Cape Fear River at Cross Creek and destroyed the boats in order to deny Moore their use.[24] His forces and so crossed the Southward River, heading for Corbett's Ferry, a crossing of the Black River. On orders from Moore, Caswell reached the ferry start, and set up a occludent there.[26] Moore, as a precaution confronting Caswell being defeated or circumvented, detached Lillington with 150 Wilmington militia and 100 men under Colonel John Ashe from the New Hanover Volunteer Company of Rangers to take up a position at the Widow Moore'southward Creek Span. These men, moving by forced marches, traveled downwards the southern bank of the Greatcoat Fear River to Elizabethtown, where they crossed to the north banking company. From there they marched downwards to the confluence of the Black River and Moore's Creek, and began entrenching on the east bank of the creek. Moore detached other militia companies to occupy Cross Creek, and followed Lillington and Ashe with the slower Continentals. They followed the same route, but did not arrive until after the battle.[24]

When MacDonald and his force reached Corbett's Ferry, they constitute the crossing blocked by Caswell and his men.[26] MacDonald prepared for battle, but was informed past a local slave that at that place was a second crossing a few miles upwardly the Black River that they could utilize. On February 26, he ordered his rearguard to make a demonstration as if they were planning to cantankerous while he led his main body up to this second crossing and headed for the bridge at Moore'southward Creek.[24] Caswell, once he realized that MacDonald had given him the slip, hurried his men the 10 miles (sixteen km) to Moore's Creek, and beat out MacDonald there past only a few hours.[27] MacDonald sent ane of his men into the patriot camp under a flag of truce to need their surrender, and to examine the defences. Caswell refused, and the envoy returned with a detailed plan of the patriot fortifications.[28]

Caswell moves south from Corbett's ferry to Moore's Creek. Lillington and Ashe move south-southeast from Cross Creek to Moore's Creek along the Cape Fear River. Moore follows Lillington and Ashe, but does not reach Moore's Creek.

Map depicting movements toward Moore's Creek Bridge:
A: Caswell'southward motility
B: MacDonald'south movement
C: Lillington and Ashe'southward motility
D: Moore'due south movement

Caswell had thrown up some entrenchments on the west side of the bridge, only these were not located to patriot advantage. Their position required the patriots to defend a position whose merely line of retreat was across the narrow span, a distinct disadvantage that MacDonald recognized when he saw the plans.[27] In a council held that night, the loyalists decided to attack, since the alternative of finding another crossing might give Moore time to reach the expanse. During the night, Caswell decided to carelessness that position and instead have upwardly a position on the far side of the creek. To further complicate the loyalists' use of the bridge, the militia took up its planking and greased the support rails.[23]

Battle [edit]

By the time of their arrival at Moore's Creek, the loyalist contingent had shrunk to between 700 and 800 men. Near 600 of these were Highland Scots and the remainder were Regulators.[29] Furthermore, the marching had taken its toll on the elderly Brigadier General MacDonald; he savage ill and turned over control to Lieutenant Colonel Donald MacLeod. The loyalists broke army camp at i am on February 27 and marched the few miles from their army camp to the span.[28]

During the nighttime, Caswell and his men established a semicircular digging around the bridge end, and prepared to defend them with ii small pieces of field artillery.

Arriving shortly earlier dawn, the Loyalists found the defenses on the west side of the bridge unoccupied. MacLeod ordered his men to adopt a defensive line backside nearby trees, but and then a Patriot sentry beyond the river fired his musket to warn Caswell of the loyalist arrival. Hearing this, Lt.-Col. MacLeod immediately ordered his men to attack.[23]

In the pre-dawn mist, a visitor of Loyalist Gaels approached the bridge. In response to a Patriot call for identification shouted from across the creek, Captain Alexander Mclean identified himself as a friend of the Male monarch, and responded with his own claiming in Gaelic. Hearing no answer, he ordered his company to open up burn down, beginning an exchange of gunfire with the patriot sentries. Lieutenant-Colonel MacLeod and Captain John Campbell then led a picked company of swordsmen on a accuse across the bridge,[28] shouting in Gaelic, "Male monarch George and broadswords!"

When the Loyalists were within 30 paces of the earthworks, the Patriot militia opened fire to devastating effect. MacLeod and Campbell both went down in a hail of gunfire; Colonel Moore reported that MacLeod had been struck by more than than twenty musket balls. Armed just with swords and faced with the overwhelming firepower of Patriot muskets and arms, the Highland Scots could do little else other than retreat. The surviving elements of Campbell'southward company got back over the bridge, and the governor's forcefulness dissolved and retreated.[30]

Capitalising on the success, the Revolutionary forces rapidly replaced the span planking and gave chase. One enterprising company led by one of Caswell'due south lieutenants forded the creek above the bridge, flanking the retreating loyalists. Colonel Moore arrived on the scene a few hours afterward the battle. He stated in his report that 30 loyalists were killed or wounded, "but as numbers of them must have fallen into the creek, besides more that were carried off, I suppose their loss may exist estimated at fifty."[29] The Revolutionary leaders reported one killed and one wounded.[29]

Aftermath [edit]

Over the next several days, the N Carolina Provincial Congress' militia force mopped upwardly the fleeing loyalists. In all, almost 850 men were captured. Almost of these were released on parole, but the ringleaders were sent to Philadelphia as prisoners.[29] Despite very difficult feelings on both sides, the Loyalist prisoners were treated with respect. This helped convince many not to have upward artillery again. [31]

Amid those who survived to exist taken prisoner was the Loyalist war poet Iain mac Mhurchaidh (John Macrae), a member of Clan Macrae, recent immigrant from Kintail, and of import figure in Scottish Gaelic literature. The poet's son, Murdo Macrae, also fought on the Loyalist side during the boxing and was mortally wounded.[32] [33]

Combined with the capture of the loyalist army camp at Cantankerous Creek, the patriots confiscated 1,500 muskets, 300 rifles, and $15,000 (as valued at the time) of Spanish golden.[34] Many of the weapons were probably hunting equipment, and may have been taken from people non directly involved in the loyalist insurgence.[35] The activeness had a galvanizing upshot on patriot recruiting, and the arrests of many loyalist leaders throughout Northward Carolina cemented patriot control of the state. A pro-patriot paper reported after the battle, "This, we remember, volition effectually put a stop to loyalists in North Carolina".[31]

The battle had significant effects among the Scottish Gaels of N Carolina, where loyalist sympathisers refused to take upward artillery whenever recruitment efforts were made later on in the war, and those who did were routed out of their homes by the pillaging activities of their patriot neighbors.[34]

When news of the battle reached London, it received mixed commentary. One news written report minimised the defeat since it did not involve whatsoever ground forces troops, while another noted that an "inferior" patriot force had defeated the loyalists.[34] Lord George Germain, the British official responsible for managing the state of war in London, remained convinced in spite of the resounding defeat that loyalists were notwithstanding a substantial force to exist tapped.[31]

The expedition that the loyalists had been planning to meet was significantly delayed, and did not depart Cork, Ireland until mid-Feb. The convoy was further delayed and carve up autonomously by bad weather, so the full strength did not arrive off Greatcoat Fear until May 1776.[36] As the fleet gathered, North Carolina's provincial congress met at Halifax, North Carolina, and in early April passed the Halifax Resolves, authorizing the colony'south delegates to the Continental Congress to vote in favor of declaring independence from the British Empire.[37] General Clinton used the forcefulness in an attempt to have Charleston, South Carolina. His endeavour, at the Battle of Sullivan'due south Island, failed and information technology represented the last significant British attempts to retake control of the southern colonies until late 1778.[38]

A Pro-Patriot newspaper in Virginia angrily condemned Bridadier-General MacDonald by pointing out that Rex George III, whom he now served, came from the very dynasty that MacDonald had one time considered usurpers and tried to depose during the Jacobite rising of 1745. Even so, as the newspaper pointed out, Brigadier General MacDonald at present viewed American Patriots as rebels and traitors against their, "lawful King." Ironically, the Crown ultimately showed the Brigadier-General little or no appreciation.

While he was held every bit a Pw in Philadelphia, efforts to negotiate a prisoner exchange for Brigadier General Donald MacDonald, were always hampered afterwards; equally the British Regular army refused to accept MacDonald'south promotion past Governor Josiah Martin from Major to Brigadier General, and the Continental Congress refused authorize George Washington to substitution MacDonald for a Patriot officer of lower than Brigadier Full general's rank.

Meanwhile, Full general MacDonald's son, a fellow Jacobite veteran of the 1745 insurgence who was also named Donald MacDonald, joined the Patriot side very soon later on his begetter was taken prisoner post-obit the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge. Co-ordinate to historian J.P. MacLean, "The son was a remarkably stout, blood-red-haired immature Scotsman, cool under the most trying difficulties and brave without a mistake."[39]

MacDonald attained the rank of Sergeant and, "was the subject of many tales of daring exploits".[40]

When asked by his commanding officer, General Peter Horry, nevertheless, why he had abandoned his father's political party and joined "the rebels", Sgt. MacDonald replied,

Immediately on the misfortune of my father and his friends at the Nifty Bridge, I barbarous to thinking what could be the crusade; and so it struck me that information technology must have been owing to their own monstrous ingratitude. 'Here now', I said to myself, 'is parcel of people, pregnant my poor father and his friends, who fled from the murderous swords of the English after the massacre at Culloden. Well, they came to America with inappreciably anything but their poverty and their mournful looks. Only amongst this friendly people that was enough. Every eye that saw us, had pity; and every paw was reached out to assist. They received us in their homes equally though they had been their own unfortunate brothers. They kindled high their hospitable fires for us, and bade us eat and beverage and banish our misfortunes, for that we were in a state of friends. And and then indeed, we institute it; for whenever we told of the woeful Battle of Culloden, and how the English language gave no quarter to our unfortunate countrymen, but butchered all they could overtake, these generous people frequently gave the states their tears, and said, 'O! That we had been there to aid with our rifles, then should many of those monsters accept flake the ground!' They received us into the bosoms of their peaceful forests, and gave us their lands and their admirable daughters in marriage, and we became rich. And yet, after all, when the English came to America to murder this innocent people, but for refusing to be their slaves, then my male parent and friends, forgetting all the Americans had washed for them, went and joined the British, to assist them to cut the throats of their all-time friends! 'Now', I said to myself, 'if ever in that location was a time for God to stand upward and punish ingratitude, this was the time.' And God did stand up up; for he enabled the Americans to defeat my father and his friends almost completely. Merely instead of murdering the prisoners equally the English had done at Culloden, they treated us with their usual generosity. And now these are the people I dearest and will fight for every bit long equally I live."[41]

Every bit related in General Horry'south memoirs, Sgt. MacDonald once posed as a British Legion soldier and visited a wealthy, slave-owning Loyalist plantation owner with request that the planter hand over his best stallion for Lieut.-Col. Banastre Tarleton's personal utilise. Overjoyed, the planter handed Sgt. MacDonald a pedigreed stallion named Selim, which the Sergeant always rode in later years. Furthermore, when the planter visited Tarleton's camp to ask the Lietenant-Colonel how he liked his new mount, the response of both men to the realization that they had been had is best described equally unprintable.[42]

Sergeant MacDonald was serving under General Francis Marion when he was killed in activity during the Siege of Fort Motte on May 12, 1781. According to historian J.P. MacLean, "His resting place is unknown. No monument has been erected to his retention; just his name will endure and then long every bit men shall pay respect to heroism and devotion to state."[43]

Later the battle, Flora MacDonald was interrogated past the Northward Carolina Committee of Safety, before which she exhibited "spirited behavior." Soon afterwards, however, Flora experienced the deaths of all her children during a typhus epidemic. At her imprisoned husband's urging, Flora MacDonald set out to return in 1779 from North Carolina to her native village of Milton, South Uist. With the aid of a sympathetic Patriot officer named Captain Ingrahm, MacDonald was granted a passport assuasive her to cantankerous the lines and accept passage aboard a ship from British-held Charleston, Southward Carolina for Halifax, Nova Scotia. MacDonald continued facing astringent trials, which included having her left arm broken during an set on past a French privateer upon the ship aboard which she was later returning to Scotland. In the end, Flora arrived safely and her brother built her a cottage to live in at Milton.

In 1781, when Full general Charles Cornwallis passed through the Cross Creek area, he reported that "[g]any of the inhabitants rode into camp, shook me by the hand, said they were glad to encounter us and that we had beat Greene and and then rode home."[44]

Following the end of the war, many regions of Due north Carolina which had been mainly settled by Scottish Gaels, were almost depopulated, every bit Gaelic-speaking Loyalists fled northward towards what remained of British N America.[45]

Similarly to Brigadier Full general MacDonald, withal, Allan and Flora MacDonald found the race of the Georges very unappreciative for their sufferings. Equally the Crown refused to fully reimburse them for the confiscation of 'Killegray', their slave plantation in Anson County, North Carolina, Allan and Flora MacDonald lacked the financial ways to resettle in Canada and were forced to render to Scotland. Flora e'er said in her afterwards life that she start served the Firm of Stuart and so the Business firm of Hanover and that she was worsted in the crusade of each. Flora MacDonald died on March 5, 1790.[46]

Co-ordinate to Marcus Tanner, despite the post-Revolutionary War flight of many local United Empire Loyalists and the subsequent redirection of Scottish Highland emigration to Canada, a large Scottish Gaelic-speaking community continued to exist in North Carolina, "until information technology was well and truly disrupted", by the American Civil War.[47]

Even so, local pride in the Scottish heritage of local pioneers remains very common in North Carolina. Ane of North America's largest Highland Games, the Grandpa Mount Highland Games, are held at that place every yr and describe in visitors from all over the world. The Gramps Mountain games have been called "the best" such event in the United States because of the spectacular mural and the large number of people who attend in kilts and other regalia of the Scottish clans. It is also widely considered to exist the largest "gathering of clans" in North America, every bit more family lines are represented there than whatever other similar event.

The Moore'due south Creek Span battleground site was preserved in the late 19th century through private efforts that somewhen received state financial support. The Federal government took over the battle site equally a National Armed forces Park operated past the State of war Department in 1926. The War Department operated the park until 1933, when the National Park Service took over the site equally the Moores Creek National Battlefield.[48] Information technology was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1966.[49] The battle is commemorated every year during the last full weekend of February.[l]

Order of battle [edit]

Early accounts of the boxing oftentimes misstated the size of both forces involved in the battle, typically reporting that 1,600 loyalists faced one,000 patriots. These numbers are still used by the National Park Service.[51]

North Carolina [edit]

The patriot forces were likewise underreported since Caswell apparently casually grouped the ranger forces of John Ashe as part of Lillington's company in his report.[29]

The Provincial Congress' militia forces order of battle included a mix of North Carolina Minutemen and Militia units. Because of the performance of the local militia and the higher costs of Minutemen, the Northward Carolina Full general Associates abandoned the apply of Minutemen on April 10, 1776 in favor of local militia brigades and regiments. The post-obit units participated in this boxing:[52]

Minutemen and State Troops:

  • New Bern District Minutemen Battalion, thirteen companies
  • Wilmington District Minutemen Battalion, four companies
  • Halifax Commune Minutemen Battalion, 5 companies
  • Hillsborough District Minutemen Battalion, 7 companies
  • 1st Salisbury Commune Minutemen Battalion, 1 visitor
  • second Salisbury District Minutement Battalion, xi companies
  • 1st North Carolina Regiment, 7 companies

Local Militia:

  • Halifax District Brigade
    • Halifax Canton Regiment, i visitor
    • Northampton Canton Regiment, 1 company
  • Hillsborough Commune Brigade
    • Chatham Canton Regiment, 4 companies
    • Granville Canton Regiment, ane visitor
    • Orange County Regiment, i company
    • Wake County Regiment, 4 companies
  • New Bern Commune Brigade
    • Craven County Regiment, 4 companies
    • Dobbs County Regiment, eight companies
    • Johnston County Regiment, v companies
    • Pitt Canton Regiment, four companies
  • Salisbury District Brigade
    • Anson Canton Regiment, two companies
    • Guilford County Regiment, 12 companies
    • Surry County Regiment, 3 companies
    • Tryon Canton Regiment, eight companies
  • Wilmington District Brigade
    • Bladen Canton Regiment, 8 companies
    • Brunswick Canton Regiment, one company
    • Cumberland County Regiment, 2 companies
    • Duplin Canton Regiment, 10 companies
    • Onslow County Regiment, 3 companies
    • New Hannover County Regiment, 2 companies of volunteer contained rangers

Corking Britain [edit]

Historian David Wilson, however, points out that the large loyalist size is attributed to reports by General MacDonald and Colonel Caswell. MacDonald gave that figure to Caswell, and it represents a reasonable gauge of the number of men starting the march at Cantankerous Creek. Alexander Mclean, who was present at both Cross Creek and the battle, reported that only 800 loyalists were present at the boxing, as did Governor Martin.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d Wilson, p. 34
  2. ^ a b Wilson, p. 35
  3. ^ a b c d Russell, p. 80
  4. ^ a b c Russell, p. 79
  5. ^ Meyer, p. 140
  6. ^ Fryer, p. 118
  7. ^ Fryer, pp. 121–122
  8. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page sixty.
  9. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Pages 60-61.
  10. ^ Demond, p. 91
  11. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 60.
  12. ^ Meyer, p. 142
  13. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Business relationship of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 61.
  14. ^ Wilson, p. 23
  15. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Folio 62.
  16. ^ Michael Newton (2001), Nosotros're Indians Certain Enough: The Legacy of the Scottish Highlanders in the United States, Saorsa Media, pg. 32.
  17. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 55.
  18. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Folio 62.
  19. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 62.
  20. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Business relationship of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 199.
  21. ^ Michael Newton (2015), Seanchaidh na Choille The Memory Keeper of the Forest: Anthology of Scottish Gaelic Literature of Canada, Cape Breton University Press. Page 468.
  22. ^ Edited by Natasha Sumner and Aidan Doyle (2020), North American Gaels: Spoken language, Song, and Story in the Diaspora, McGill-Queen'due south University Press. Page 297.
  23. ^ a b c Wilson, p. 28
  24. ^ a b c d Russell, p. 81
  25. ^ N Carolina in the American Revolution by Hugh F. Rankin pg. 101–103, 1959 – ISBN 9780865260917
  26. ^ a b Wilson, p. 26
  27. ^ a b Wilson, p. 27
  28. ^ a b c Russell, p. 82
  29. ^ a b c d east Wilson, p. 30
  30. ^ Wilson, p. 29
  31. ^ a b c Wilson, p. 33
  32. ^ Michael Newton (2001), We're Indians Certain Plenty: The Legacy of the Scottish Highlanders in the United States, Saorsa Media, pg. 141.
  33. ^ "MacRae, John | NCpedia".
  34. ^ a b c Russell, p. 83
  35. ^ Wilson, p. 31
  36. ^ Russell, p. 85
  37. ^ Russell, p. 84
  38. ^ Wilson, p. 56
  39. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 204.
  40. ^ Michael Newton (2001), Nosotros're Indians Sure Enough: The Legacy of the Scottish Highlanders in the United States, Saorsa Media. Page 117.
  41. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Pages 204-205.
  42. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Folio 205-206.
  43. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Business relationship of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Folio 207.
  44. ^ Demond, p. 137
  45. ^ Michael Newton (2001), We're Indians Sure Plenty: The Legacy of the Scottish Highlanders in the United States, Saorsa Media. Page 143.
  46. ^ J.P. MacLean (1900), An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, Cleveland, Ohio. Page 199.
  47. ^ Marcus Tanner (2004), The Last of the Celts, page 289.
  48. ^ Capps and Davis
  49. ^ "National Register Information Arrangement". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. July 9, 2010.
  50. ^ "Moores Creek National Battleground – Things to practise". National Park Service. Archived from the original on May 28, 2010. Retrieved June 1, 2010.
  51. ^ "Moores Creek National Battlefield website". National Park Service. Archived from the original on August 25, 2010. Retrieved April 22, 2010.
  52. ^ Lewis

Sources [edit]

  • Capps, Michael A.; Davis, Stephen A (1999). "Moores Creek National Battlefield – Administrative History". National Park Service. Retrieved June 1, 2010. [ permanent dead link ]
  • Demond, Robert O (1979) [1940]. The Loyalists in North Carolina During the Revolution. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing. ISBN978-0-8063-0839-5. OCLC 229188174.
  • Fryer, Mary Beacock (1987). Allan Maclean, Jacobite General: the Life of an Eighteenth Century Career Soldier. Toronto: Dundurn Press. ISBN978-1-55002-011-3. OCLC 16042453.
  • Greene, Jack P. (February 2000). "The American Revolution". American Historical Review. 1. 105 (one): 91–102. doi:10.2307/2652437. JSTOR 2652437.
  • Lewis, J.D. "Boxing of Moore's Creek Span". The American Revolution in North Carolina . Retrieved April 14, 2019.
  • Meyer, Duane (1987) [1961]. The Highland Scots of North Carolina, 1732–1776. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Printing. ISBN978-0-8078-4199-0. OCLC 316095450.
  • Murray, Aaron (2004). The American Revolution Battles and Leaders . New York: DK Publishing. pp. thirty–31.
  • Purcell, L. Edward & Sarah J. (2000). Encyclopedia of Battles in Northward America 1517 to 1916 . New York: Facts on File Inc. p. 187.
  • Russell, David Lee (2000). The American Revolution in the Southern Colonies. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. ISBN978-0-7864-0783-v. OCLC 44562323.
  • Wilson, David One thousand (2005). The Southern Strategy: United kingdom's Conquest of South Carolina and Georgia, 1775–1780. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. ISBN1-57003-573-3. OCLC 56951286.

Further reading [edit]

  • "The Battle of Moore'due south Creek Bridge," Revolutionary Due north Carolina, a digital textbook produced by the UNC School of Instruction.


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