5. What factors play a role in whether someone becomes addicted to prescription drugs?

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Genetic Predisposition to Drug Addiction

There is a link between drug addiction and genetics.

There is a link betwixt drug addiction and genetics.

At that place is mixed bear witness as to whether drug addiction is really predisposed past the genes or non but one thing that is known for certain is that addictive behavior is predisposed. What this means is that although actually being addicted to drugs may not be genetic there are genetic factors that play a role in whether or non a person has what is known every bit an "addictive personality."

Why can some people use drugs casually and not become addicted just others apply just a few times and the addiction sets in? How much of drug habit tin be imposed on a predisposition that is the result of genetics? Why does habit strike one person so much differently than information technology does the adjacent?

Drug Habit and Genetics

There is evidence that shows equally much equally fifty% of a person's likelihood to become fond to a drug is genetically predisposed. What this means is that the genes play a central function in drug addiction just they practice not play the merely role in determining whether or not a person volition get addicted to drugs as a issue of recreational or casual drug abuse.

There are thousands of genes that make up one's mind everything well-nigh an individual from pare, hair and eye colour to personality and cognitive ability. Of the 40,000 genes that are expressed in the part of the brain where drugs evidence their most profound effects many may or may not be straight linked to drug addiction. Geneticists have been researching the similarities and differences betwixt family members who are addicts in hopes of determining those genes which are direct responsible for determining whether or not an private will become addicted to drugs.

While evidence does advise that heredity and genetics exercise play a role in increasing the likelihood of an private condign addicted to drugs in that location are many other factors that come up into play as well. While addiction does tend to run in families it is nevertheless unclear how much of the disease of addiction is transmitted genetically and how much of the disease is the upshot of learning addictive behaviors from family or society.

Genetic Predisposition Studies

While in that location have been many unlike studies conducted to determine how much genetics practise make up one's mind drug habit some of the near profound include studies on twins and studies that have been conducted on adopted children. One study compared the alcoholism rates of both individuals who had been adopted but were built-in to alcoholic parents and those who were born to not alcoholic parents. Statistics bear witness that those who were born to alcoholic parents, although they never knew their parents and were not raised in alcoholic households were as much as 3 times more than probable to become fond to alcohol themselves.

Some other study on the genetic predisposition of drug addiction focused on twins. One study found that identical twins (those who share the same genetic makeup) are upward to 200% more than probable to endure from alcoholism than fraternal (non identical) twins. Similar statistics take been found for other types of drug corruption amongst twins including cocaine, stimulants and sedatives.

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Source: https://rehabcenters.com/resources/genetic-predisposition-to-drug-addiction

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