Mark Rowh Everything You Wanted to Know About

How to Remember Things 21 Techniques for Memory Improvement on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blogSo … you want to know how to call back things.

Excellent. You're in the right place. I read every book on the topic I tin can detect.  And I am always looking to improve my own memory skills.

Hither'due south a unproblematic fact nearly improving your memory:

People with excellent memories and retentivity championship winners are non too unlike from y'all. They only use a combination of techniques to enable their minds to memorize things.

You lot might observe it hard to remember names, facts, equations, lists, tasks you need to take care of, a new linguistic communication, so on.

But if you follow the right techniques, yous can remember almost anything you want. The techniques you'll find on this page will work for you, no thing how bad you think your retention is.

In this article, I volition show you lot a number of techniques that volition assist you lot understand:

  • How to recall what you read
  • How to recall names
  • How to retrieve lists and things you need to do
  • How to memorize things faster
  • How to retrieve something you forgot

… and and then on.

In that location are dozens of techniques and retentivity tricks, only they tin can exist classified into three approaches:

  1. Mnemonics for Retention Improvement
  2. Lifestyle Changes For Memory Improvement
  3. Other Memory Methods for Improvement

Let'southward take a look at each. Yous can read or enjoy this video version of the text by clicking "play" and eliminating all distractions:

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How To Think Things With Mnemonics: 21 Memorization Techniques

Mnemonics are retentiveness techniques that help you to remember things better. They are besides the most effective for forming strong long-term memories. Hither are a few of the most common mnemonic devices:

1. Memory Palaces

The Retentiveness Palace is the most powerful mnemonic device ever formulated.

If you are a fan of 'Sherlock' – the BBC series, you lot have seen Sherlock Holmes utilise his 'mind palace' to think practically everything. This memorization method isn't but used by fictional detectives. Memory champions swear by the retentivity palace.

The mnemonic device, as well referred to as the 'Method of Loci' or 'Cicero Method' was developed in Ancient Hellenic republic.

How does it work?

Magnetic Memory Method Podcast Memory Palace

The cardinal concept of the Retentiveness Palace Technique is to associate pieces of data that you wish to recollect with parts of a location that you lot are very familiar with. This location can be your home.

This memorization method begins by visualizing yourself walking through your home and remembering every unmarried detail that you lot can. It's as well a dandy mental exercise.

However, you necessarily do non need to visualize, and can physically walk through your domicile too. In fact, the thought of the memory palace is to brand apply of all your senses – auditory, kinesthetic (impact), and then on.

Acquaintance each particular that you lot wish to remember with a specific object or space in your home. For case, if you lot are trying to remember a new language, you might want to store all the words related to weather in your wardrobe.

Associating items inside your mind with a real concrete space helps your brain 'file' important things to remember more easily.

Mind Palaces can be used to think names, faces, languages, lists, academic material, and pretty much anything under the sunday. I talk near the Retention Palace in more than item in this article.

ii. Spaced Repetition

Information technology's easier to retrieve something that you read yesterday than a paragraph you accept read a year back. Hermann Ebbinghaus referred to this every bit the forgetting curve. His inquiry into the psychology of memory observed that nosotros forget nigh newly acquired data within a few hours or at the nearly a couple of days.

However, if y'all reinforce what yous learn at regular intervals, information technology'southward easier to retain that piece of information from the long-term storage areas of your brain.

The spaced repetition method is all about practicing remembering at the right time.

Spaced Repetition on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

You do that by reinforcing a chip of data in your heed just when yous are about to forget it.

A uncomplicated way of applying this memory technique is to utilise flashcards. You can organize your flashcards into three batches depending on how piece of cake it is for you to think.

If you call back something clearly, test yourself with the same flashcard within x minutes, but if you lot do remember, test yourself at a longer interval.

There are several tools out there that claim to be spaced repetition software, but which are actually not. If you wish to attempt out spaced repetition, the best arroyo is to make your own flashcards.

three. Use Chunking to Call back

Chunking is the procedure of clubbing things together into groups.

For instance, you could endeavor remembering your grocery list co-ordinate to each shelf in the store.

Or when you lot are learning a new language, learn words that are related by a potent context, such equally breakfast nutrient items, winter wearable, and and so on.

The homo brain naturally tends to look for patterns, and chunking allows the brain to shop information in easy-to-remember packets.

Here are 21 more study tips related to chunking, some of which are a bit anarchistic.

4. Expression Mnemonics or Acronyms

You have probably come beyond this method in school. You create an acronym of the different things that you wish to call back.

If you have taken music lessons, yous would remember EGBDF (the treble clef) with the acronym, "Every Good Male child Does Fine."

Some other common expression mnemonic you might remember from your schoolhouse days is HOMES – for the Swell Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior).

Acronyms are difficult to forget! There are similar Expression Mnemonics which involve rhymes, songs, so on.

5. Remembering Numbers with The Major Organization

The Major System is also chosen the Major Method or is sometimes referred to as Harry Lorayne's Number Mnemonics.

Information technology works by associating a number with a sound. Similar this:

0 = soft c, s or zThe Major System on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

1 = d, t

ii = n

three = m

iv = r

… and and then on (run into diagram for the total list.)

You apply this unproblematic formula by forming words with these numbers. For case, 22 could be nun (formed by combining n and n). You lot combine these words to visualize an blithe sequence of activities, which makes information technology difficult for y'all to forget!

The method can be used to memorize long digits, multiplication tables, phone numbers, number-based passwords, and so on.

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6. Using the Proper name Acronym to Remember Things

The NAME acronym is a process used to remember names. However, you can use it to remember other things also. This is based on an interesting book I read recently – Boost Your Memory past Darren Bridger.

For those of you lot who are seriously into memorization and mastering how to think something y'all forgot, it's a worthy read. Even if you lot're already well established, I suggest reading it for a quick review of the major principles that back up remembering things.


Find is the commencement word in the name acronym.

In this example, the author is non only talking about memorizing things similar names by noticing the person's hair, eye color, and other distinct features of the face. He'southward also talking about noticing the sound of the name every bit part of learning to recall things amend.

Seriously. Notice how the names yous want to remember sound. Even a seemingly pedestrian name like "Bill" becomes quite interesting if you lot think about it.

How to remember things image of Einstein spray painting retrain your brain on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

Y'all can even go so far as to pretend in your mind that y'all've never heard the discussion before. Just as we desire to pay shut attending to the sound of the words we are memorizing using the Magnetic Memory Method, when we learn a person's proper noun, we want to swirl it around a flake.

It's nearly like tasting wine. That'southward kind of a weird way to think near learning someone'south proper name, but I've tried it out many times, and it actually does bring an interesting quality to the memorization process.

Ask And You Shall Remember

Ask is the second word in this powerful acronym that teaches you how to remember names or even data for a test.

In the case of names, Bridger is suggesting that we ask for the proper name to be repeated if we haven't heard it the first time. When information technology comes to how to memorize things for a examination, it'southward really the same process.

For example, I'k sure you've had this experience:

You hear someone'due south name, merely don't quite catch it. Instead of asking for it to be repeated, y'all let the proper name issue drib and hope it will come up again …

But It Never Does!

And then, every bit Bridger suggests, there'southward no shame in asking for a name to be repeated. Besides when you written report: there's zilch wrong with going dorsum and repeating the information. And then add together the deed of request with this quick tip:

If y'all want to remember things better, commencement request people near their names. Like this:

"That'south an interesting name. Where does information technology come up from?"

These are perfect questions to ask a person. Questions like these will non only increase your rapport with the person but besides cause you to pay more than attention to the name in the first identify.

It's the same thing with any data, and you can always inquire questions virtually any data using this formula:

  • What is interesting about this?
  • Why is it similar this?
  • How did it come to be this style?
  • What if it was dissimilar?

Remember: a great deal of what memorizing things boils downward to is noticing and paying attention to the target cloth. It also comes down to "rotating" the information in your listen by examining it from different angles.

Mention to Help Call up Things

The author uses the word "mention" for the purposes of his acronym, simply usually, tips on memorizing names tell us to repeat the name we've simply heard.

Memory experts are actually divided on this point. Yeah, it helps the name you want to remember to sink into your memory. And yes, it tells the person that you lot've heard their name and that you care about knowing them. But it can still come off as rather corny.

Still, I spend a lot of time in places where the linguistic communication is not my native tongue and have plant repeating the names of people I encounter to be an essential habit.

Pronunciations of names vary widely, and there are ofttimes subtle sounds that people will gladly correct for yous once they've heard you mispronounce their name. It'due south only polite to make sure you can pronounce a person'south name right.

Plus, pronunciation is i of the weakest points for me. I'm e'er working on improving it in my own retention comeback journeying – largely due to being 80% deaf in my left ear.

Even though it can exist a bit corny to repeat the names of people y'all've merely met, just do information technology. Taking that simple step when it comes to recalling things like names is worth information technology in the end.


Here Bridger finally shows us how to bring it all together.

Envisioning is simple. Information technology'south the part of the mnemonic process where we take the visual characteristics of a face and associate the name of the person with some singled-out feature.

To use Bridger's teaching, which seems pulled straight out of Harry Lorayne, let'southward say I run across someone named Jacob and he has rather bird-like features. All I would demand to practise is imagine him having the face up of a Blueish Jay and so imagine him puffing on a corncob pipe.

(Jay + Cob = Jacob). Simple stuff.

The but problem is …

I don't like doing it this way. I find that it makes me look at the person strangely afterward equally I'thousand going through the call back procedure. I prefer seeing the images I create either behind the person, on their shoulder or higher up their head. That way, when recalling their name, I'm non looking all screwy-eyed at them.

The Missing Retention Footstep

Plus, there'southward a missing stride.. "Envisioning" is one thing. Having a place to notice what yous envisioned quite another.

That'southward why I've had at times defended Memory Palaces merely for names.

If I meet a person named Jacob and run across him as a Blue Jay smoking a corncob pipe. Only I don't desire to let the association just float around in the void. I want to Magnetize it somewhere. To exercise that, I put the Magnetic Imagery in a Memory Palace.

Afterward, when I want to remember his name, the association will come much faster than it would have otherwise.

Why? Because memory no longer needs to chase for the clan or "envisioned" information. When we associate without placing our associations somewhere, we often accept an "uhhhhhhm" moment where we're searching for the association nosotros know that we've created.

Plus, without a Memory Palace, nosotros have no ways of performing Call up Rehearsal. We volition find the imagery in our Memory Palace later, but still take to opposite-engineer it in order to get the target textile.

That's the cardinal: always locate your textile somewhere and then employ that Memory Palace to rehearse the information into long-term retentiveness.

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How To Think Things Through Lifestyle Changes

Your lifestyle and habits accept a significant touch on on your memory. These are not memory tricks. However, implementing these lifestyle changes will boost your overall power to think things.

vii. Getting Adequate Slumber will Assistance you Recall Things

1 of the biggest mistakes that students make is trying to study longer hours by skipping on sleep. What they forget is that sleep deprivation affects several cognitive abilities, including memory.Sleep and memory improvement how to remember things like audiobooks on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

This should hardly be a surprise. In addition to affecting the mind, lack of slumber is also considered to be a risk factor for heart affliction, cancer, diminished amnesty, obesity, and several other complications.

Numerous studies accept established that sleep helps in the second stage of memory – consolidation.

And at that place'south no incertitude about it:

Slumber helps in recalling facts and data every bit well equally in procedural memory formation – the attribute of retention involved in learning new skills faster (Diekelmann and Born, 2010)

And there'due south more to it.

Slumber also contributes to reorganizing memories, by forming stronger connections between different memories. Slumber helps the brain to link newly captivated information with previously caused information, which spurs creativity (Diekelmann and Born, 2010)

Other studies accept indicated that lack of sleep too makes us recollect things incorrectly (Diekelmann 2008). Therefore, for several reasons, getting a good night'due south sleep can significantly contribute to retention comeback.

viii. Taking Naps volition Improve Your Memory

What if you are unable to get acceptable sleep? Effort taking naps.

David Dinges (University of Pennsylvania) concluded from sleep experiments supported by NASA that naps help in boosting working retention.

Dinges likewise says that working retentiveness "involves focusing attention on one task while holding other tasks in retention … and is a fundamental ability disquisitional to performing complex work."  Another report concluded that a nap as short as half-dozen minutes can help boost memory (Lahl et al 2008)

9. Foods that Heave Your Memory

When we talk about diet, the conversation is usually about weight loss, improving immunity, or preventing diseases. Notwithstanding, what nosotros swallow as well has an effect on memory comeback.

There are several foods that are great for retentivity such as walnuts, green tea, blueberries, fish, whole grains, olive oil, etc. – often referred to as the Mediterranean diet.

Studies have demonstrated that consumption of green tea leads to enhanced activity in the encephalon's prefrontal cortex (Schimdt et al 3888). This optimization leads to improved memory and meliorate noesis overall (Feng et al 438).

Fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, oysters are all excellent sources of Omega-3s, which lowers the take chances of dementia and Alzheimer's past every bit much as 47% (Schaefer et al 1545).

Incidentally, the Mediterranean diet is also recommended for preventing cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular illness, etc. Therefore, there are enough of reasons too memory improvement to include these foods in your nutrition!

You lot should besides avoid foods that contain likewise much saturated fats and trans-fats such as red meat, butter, etc. Foods that crusade cholesterol leading to centre assail or stroke besides lead to memory impairment.

x. Exercising Leads to Memory Comeback

Exercising is another great way to improve your retention.

How to remember things is a skill how to remember things like audiobooks on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

It's well known that practise leads to increased blood flow to the encephalon, which has several cognitive benefits, such as alacrity, improve concentration, more than positive mood, and so on.

Exercising also improves memory by releasing cathepsin B. It's a protein that triggers the growth of neurons and forms new connections in the hippocampus, a section of the brain playing a vital role in memory.

Memory improvement necessarily doesn't require rigorous exercise. But 150 minutes of walking every week has been known to better retentiveness.

11. Socializing for Stronger Memories

Australian researchers conducted a study involving 700 participants over 15 years. The researchers concluded that maintaining close relationships helps in improving retentivity. Other studies accept also indicated that socializing helps preclude memory loss through dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Since meliorate relationships are also linked to happiness and improvement in a number of health parameters, information technology's a great reason to invest more than in your electric current relationships too as get dorsum in impact with people y'all oasis't spoken to for years.

12. New Stimulating Hobbies Will Improve Your Retention

Columbia University researchers have found that people having more half dozen hobbies have a 38% lower run a risk of developing dementia. Researchers at Berkeley, California also found that people who regularly engage in activities that stimulate their brains avoid the formation of a poly peptide that causes Alzheimer's.

The cardinal is to pick up new hobbies that forcefulness y'all to aggrandize the capabilities of your mind.

For example, you could:

  • Read a volume on a topic that you lot are completely unfamiliar with
  • Learning a new musical instrument or a new trip the light fantastic grade
  • Choice up a new form of exercise,
  • Regularly come across new people

The primal here is to engage in activities that lead to the germination of new neurons in the brain likewise as new connections betwixt existing neurons. This helps maintain the brain'southward cognitive reserve – its ability to avoid memory loss.

13. Learning a New Linguistic communication Boosts Retentiveness

There are several reasons why learning a new language is not bad for memory.

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The process of remembering vocabulary, phrases, and grammar rules all exercise your brain cells. Mental exercise like this leads to overall memory improvement. Studies have indicated that bilingual people are at less gamble of Alzheimer'due south.

You also develop renewed marvel virtually everything around you, which helps you to focus more on everyday activities and objects. Every bit I take pointed out earlier, focus is another cistron that helps us to remember things better.

Remembering is an essential skill that you have to option upwards while learning any new linguistic communication. When you lot are actively looking for means to call up, you pick up lots of memorization techniques – which in plow improve your retentivity.

It's a cycle that helps you to keep improving continuously. So why not spend a few minutes every day in brushing upward your French or Spanish or pick up a completely new language like Mandarin!

14. Do More Challenging Work

Studies have constitute that people who practice more mentally challenging piece of work are less likely to develop Alzheimer'south. Working on things that are mentally taxing keeps your neurons on their toes and prevents them from deteriorating over time.

If you are in a chore you lot notice ho-hum or if changing careers is not an option, developing amend memory and a healthier brain is its own advantage. Yous could also ask your dominate to give you additional responsibilities every day that identify you out of your condolement zone – and so that your cerebral abilities stay in peak shape.

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fifteen. Positivity Promotes Retentivity Comeback

A 2012 study indicated that feelings of positivity have a benign effect on remembering things in the case of older adults. Positive thinking and happiness are believed to trigger the release of dopamine in the memory-related regions of the brain, which stimulates memory formation and retention.

Serotonin and memory how to remember things like audiobooks on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

Endeavor to engage in activities that make you happy. It can be as simple as setting bated 10 minutes a day to revive a hobby that you used to enjoy, such as reading or singing.

Using retentiveness tricks definitely makes me happy, and inquiry by Tim Dalgliesh shows how and why. In "Method-of-Loci equally a Mnemonic Device to Facilitate Access to Self-Affirming Personal Memories for Individuals With Depression," he shows precisely how and why using a memory technique relieves mental ache and creates more than joy.

You tin also practice positive visualization or meditation. Both of these activities reduce stress and release dopamine in the brain. Practicing gratitude likewise makes us happier and helps improve our memories.

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16. Meditation for Memory

Meditation is the most effective way of improving the ability of our listen to pay attention to tasks – which is important for improving retentivity and converting short-term retentivity into long-term memory.

Studies have demonstrated that practicing meditation improves our ability to focus on smaller details. (Maclean et al. 2010). Other studies take shown that mindfulness meditation works improve as a memory technique than yoga.  (Quach et al 2015).

How to improve concentration and memory how to remember things like audiobooks on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

Building a habit of meditating every day isn't too hard.

What if the thought of sitting nonetheless for even a couple of minutes is also painful?

Endeavor walking meditation. Lots of people detect this approach far easier than the regular sitting meditation arroyo, and as constructive as calming the heed.

Other Retention Tricks To Remember Things

Improving your memory is also possible past approaching the process of learning something new a bit differently. Making these small additional changes tin can become a long way in helping you lot recall things.

17. Larn in the Afternoon

Research indicates that the afternoon is the best fourth dimension to study to maximize think, not necessarily when you lot are feeling the nearly alert. If your work involves any sort of learning, attempt to schedule it during the afternoon hours.

how to remember things like audiobooks on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

eighteen. Recollect Before Writing

Everyone remembers how schoolhouse teachers asked us to write things downwardly to assistance usa remember. Adding a footstep to this age-sometime practice helps us remember things even better.

If you just mechanically write something downwardly, you are likely to forget it soon.

Actively recall each item you wish to remember and then write it, every bit opposed to just copying something without thinking about it. Repeating this process multiple times is great for calculation things to your long-term retentiveness.

A useful hack to call back things that yous read is to summarize a folio or a paragraph in the margin of the book as you read along. This reinforces absorption into your retentivity, besides as helps y'all quickly call back the contents of the page when you await it up in the future.

How to remember things with advanced note taking skills on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

Finally, call up that writing something down is far more constructive than typing it out because information technology helps you pay more attending to the moment. The reticular activating system is a section of your encephalon that gets stimulated when you practice something with higher levels of alertness and lowers your adventure of forgetting things.

19. Exist More Interested

It's ever easier to remember things that we are interested in. For instance, you might notice information technology far easy to remember personal details of your favorite celebrity, but you tend to forget historical facts or the names of your in-law's friends!

Only how do yous apply this memorization technique to areas that you are not so interested in?

Past actively trying to find reasons to be interested. Remind yourself regularly about why information technology's important to remember – how volition it contribute to your personal or professional life? That volition signal to your brain the importance of the topic and it will dedicate more than resource to strengthening neurons that reinforce those memories.

20. Pay More Attention

Out of all the best memorization techniques for remembering things, this might be the most constructive.

Researchers from MIT have identified a neural excursion in the human brain that helps in forming long-term memories. This circuit works best when your mind pays close attending to the task at hand. Essentially, college concentration automatically leads to improve assimilation in the brain and helps in converting short-term memories into long-term memories.

Unfortunately, concentration is becoming an increasingly rare trait in a earth where people are bombarded with an space number of distractions from multiple digital devices, and multitasking is the norm. Yet, there are two simple steps that will help improve your concentration – and hence boost your memory.

Showtime, gradually reducing the use of digital devices will ameliorate your attention span and free you lot from Digital Amnesia. Next, try doing 1 thing at a fourth dimension and avert switching between tasks every few minutes.

Simply building these two habits will help y'all to retrieve things more than easily.

21. Visualizing Helps You Recall

A simple manner of remembering tasks that you lot need to do is past visualizing yourself doing that action. This is especially useful when y'all don't accept a notepad or a to-do list app with you lot right away, or if the process of noting downward a task is as well cumbersome. This is useful in several situations, but here are the 2 about common ones.

Example of how to remember things with a simple drawing for Chinese vocabulary on the Magnetic Memory Method memory improvement blog

The commencement is in the middle of a conversation. Paying complete attending to someone speaking, is also a positive pace in building rapport, and whipping out your phone to note down a task can exist a distraction.

The second is remembering where you lot accept kept something, like your spectacles. Quickly visualizing information technology volition assist y'all recall where it is.

Visualizing to remember things doesn't eliminate the need for a to-exercise list, merely it serves as a useful complement.

Remembering Things Isn't Hard!

We have covered a wide range of methods that will aid yous to recall. You don't demand to practice all of them. Just picking up a few of these memorization techniques will make a substantial divergence to your retentivity.

And what if you wanted to learn just one method that volition brand a huge deviation to your memory? I recommend the Memory Palace. Click here to larn more about how to effectively create and utilise one – fast.

Then create and use more Retentivity Palaces. It'south skillful for the health and longevity of your encephalon!


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